Final programme for our online event on the international Data Protection Day!
On 28 January 2022, coinciding with the international Data Protection Day, the Data Protection Law Scholars Network organises the first ever international quick meet-up of data protection law researchers. The event will take place online, at 13:00-15:10 Brussels time.
Format/What to expect
Speakers were selected through a call for abstracts for very short presentations that the Network launched back in December 2021.
Data protection law scholars of all levels of seniority will present in 3 slides and 5 minutes their current work, be it a developing PhD, an interesting master thesis, an upcoming promising paper or a brand-new project.
The programme encompasses two sessions, each one consisting of two parallel streams with an equal number of speakers.
The streams are not thematically organised but rather cover diverse and innovative topics of data protection law.
The programme has a further element of surprise, meaning that we will not announce the names of the speakers per session, but attendees will be allocated randomly either to Parallel Stream 1 or to Parallel Stream 2.
Throughout the event, participants will be actively encouraged to communicate with each other and network.
How can I register/attend the event?
The event is free to attend, but registration is required. You can register here. Registrations were open until 26 January 2022. Registrations are now closed After registration, you will receive:
- Immediately, your access link to the Plenary;
- Few days before the event, your access link to Stream 1 or Stream 2, based on random allocation. Switching between streams will not be possible.
Final Programme
12:50-13:00 Arrival of online participants to the Plenary
13:00-13:05 Welcome in Plenary by Gloria González Fuster (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
1st session 13:05-14:00
- Plenary/Parallel Stream 1 - Moderator: Kristina Irion (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Parallel Stream 2 - Moderator: Jef Ausloos (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
14:00-14:05 Break
2nd session 14:05-15:00
- Plenary/Parallel Stream 1 - Moderator: Franziska Boehm (Leibniz-Institute for Information Infrastructure in Karlsruhe (FIZ)/Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
- Parallel Stream 2 – Moderator: Irene Kamara (Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT)/Tilburg Law School)
15:00-15:10 Closing remarks in Plenary by Katie Nolan (London School of Economics)
Final list of speakers (in alphabetical order)
Cristina Timón López (University of Murcia) | Marvin van Bekkum (Radboud University Nijmegen) |
Daniel Woods (University of Innsbruck) | Matúš Mesarčík (Comenius University in Bratislava) |
Daniela Dzurakova (Paneuropean University in Bratislava) | Natalia Menéndez González (European University Institute) |
Felix Bieker (Office of the Data Protection Commissioner Schleswig-Holstein – ULD) | Nikolaos Ioannidis (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Radboud University Nijmegen) | Noura Almutairi (Kuwaiti University) |
Gianclaudio Malgieri (Brussels Privacy Hub/EDHEC Business School) | Olga Gkotsopoulou (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
Giulia Gentile (London School of Economics) | Olumide Babalola (University of Reading) |
Harshvardhan J. Pandit (Trinity College Dublin) | Oskar J. Gstrein and Anne Beaulieu (University of Groningen) |
Jakub Míšek (Masaryk University) | Pablo Palazzi (University of San Andres) |
Jesús Loma Barrie (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) | Plixavra Vogiatzoglou (KU Leuven) |
Konrad Kollnig (University of Oxford) | Ricard Martínez Martínez (Universitat de València) |
Laura Drechsler (FWO/Vrije Universiteit Brussel) | Rossana Ducato (University of Aberdeen) |
Laurens Naudts (KU Leuven) | Sizwe Snail ka Mtuze (Snail Attorneys @ Law inc, Nelson Mandela University and Fort Hare University) |
Tana Pistorius (University of Auckland) |
If you have any questions or experience problems with your registration, contact us at .