Join DPSN and LSTS for Monthly Digital Coffees: Latest Data Protection Judgments from CJEU on 29 January
The Data Protection Scholars Network (DPSN) and the LSTS VUB would like to invite you to participate in our new joint initiative called Monthly Digital Coffees.
The purpose of these interactive sessions is to discuss the latest data protection judgments from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in an informal setting. We will focus on the 1-2 most interesting judgments that have been on the agenda at the Court in the past month.
Our first session is scheduled for Monday, January 29th, at 1:30 pm CET on Teams.
During this session, we will be discussing two judgments from January: C-231/22, which is about the notion of the controller, and C-33/22, which is about data processing by parliamentary committees.
We welcome everyone to join and contribute their insights!
Please register here
Before the event, look at the judgments in C-231/22 and C-33/22 or the Press release.
If you have any questions or experience problems with your registration, contact us at .